Importance of Exit Devices at Home and Work

Exit devices are also known as panic bars , panic devices, or push bars. This device plays an important role in unlocking a door during emergency cases. The device contains a spring loaded metal bar that is fitted to the inside of a doorway that is typically opened outward. When the lever is depressed or pushed, the push bar is stimulated to initiate a mechanism that unlatches the door in order to allow the residents to exit from the house. This implies that exit bar is a crucial device that can save lives in a situation of fire . It is worth noting that all building must comply with the ADA as well as ANSI 117.1. In addition, push bar promote security with allowed entrance features. The designated places should have fire, exit, and smoke signs.

If you want to buy one for your home, it is vital to look for a reputable contractor who sells push bars and exit devices at an affordable price. Here are the benefits of buying and installing genuine exit devices, brought to you by our friends at

Panic devices are available in a wide range of options

exit device5There are many types of panic bars on the market, but choosing the right one for your building can be a daunting activity. Some of the panic bars come with an alarm to deter unauthorized exit. There are those bars that come in a wide range of designs and costs, so as to allow the individuals or companies to buy the perfect devices that meet their needs and budget.


This is one of the top leading benefits of push bars. A good panic bar should be able to allow evacuation of people in an emergency situation. To boost safety, push bars are installed on the inside of the exit in order to ensure that the door can remain locked at all times, especially on the people on the outside of the building to prevent people from accessing the house without permission. Additionally, panic devices can be fitted with alarms so as to detect any unauthorized exit from the apartment. It is prudent to look for a talented and experienced locksmith to install the panic device and ensure that it is functioning properly.

Reduced Insurance Rates

Real estate owners are looking for ways to enhance both security and safety while ensuring that the budget remain low. Push bars provide long term solution to this issue since they make it easy to evacuate people in case of fire or any hazard. However, one should make sure that devices are installed according to the set standards and guidelines. When these bars are installed properly, it can lead to reduction in the annual premiums paid by the facility. This is because the amount of premium paid is determined by the likelihood of the risk happening. This means that if your building do not have push bars installed, then you will pay higher premiums because your building do not meet safety measures and hence risky.

The Devices are Affordable

savingsExit devices are less expensive than the normal doors. There are cheaper options that will cost you about $100, but the best models can cost you up to $300. However, if you are installing at least two panic bars, the locksmith can offer you a discount on the total cost. In addition, source the parts or materials from a trusted supplier who sells push bars and exit devices at a reasonable price.

Exit Devices Are Both Efficient and Effective

Exit devices have proved to be effective and efficient. For this reason, it is a requirement to install them in a variety of commercial buildings across the world. In fact, for some buildings, it has been made compulsory. There are some cases of situations that have happened over the past years in various parts of the world. These tragedies could have been more tragic, especially if the movie theaters or learning institutions that these emergencies occurred at did not have panic bars on all the emergency doors. Push bars serve to promote faster and efficient way to evacuate people from the facility.

If your building is not equipped with exit bars, then you should look for a remarkable contractor to install at least one for you. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

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